Friday, December 27, 2013

Available Medications Used To Treat Panic Attacks

Are you in need of some information about how to overcome panic attacks? Panic attacks are very scary for someone who goes through them, and can afflict a person at any age. Use the advice offered in the following article to discover how to effectively treat attacks and how to deal with them when they enter your life.

When you have panic attacks, make sure you get a full night's sleep. With decreased sleep comes an increased chance of an attack, it also reduces your ability to cope in the case an attack does happen. Try for eight restful hours of sleep every night.

If a panic attack is coming on, put some music on that soothes you. Choose soothing music, and place your focus on the beat or lyrics. By focusing on the music, you allow your body to forget about the panic and relax.

Look online to find a panic attack support group in your area. A support group will not only offer emotional relief, but also useful advice.

Gaining control over your actions when you're going through an anxiety attack is one good way to control it. When you face your fears, you will be able to overcome them.

When you become aware that you are having a panic attack, stop what you are doing immediately, sit down, and just try to focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths through your nose, and watch your stomach rise. Count very slowly to five as you inhale, and the same as you exhale through your mouth. Try to do this process ten times to feel better.

You did come to the right place if you wanted to find out more about panic attacks! Hopefully the information learned here can be put to good use by you. Panic attacks are a problem that can happen to anyone, so don't think you're alone. These tips can help you control the situation when a panic attack happens.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Insomnia Tips And Tricks To Help You Sleep At Night

If your life is a busy one, you need to get the best sleep you can in order to be able to face the day. But if you are coping with the trouble that insomnia brings, you may find yourself struggling to simply make it through the day. Use the following tips and techniques to combat insomnia.

Many people like staying up late during the weekend. However, an erratic sleep schedule can sometimes lead to insomnia. Set your alarm clock and rise every day at a set time. Soon enough you'll create a habit and a consistent sleep routine.

Find what works to alleviate any tension and stress you have. Exercising in the morning can work well to diminish stress. Exercising strenuously before going to bed will keep you from getting your shuteye. When it's nighttime you can try meditation or yoga before climbing into bed. They can help calm you and prepare you for sleep.

Keep your sleeping hours as regular as you can if you are an insomniac. You have an internal clock in your body that will make sure you're tired at similar times each night. If you stick with it, your insomnia will be a thing of the past.

Monitor your room's temperature and ventilation. A hot bedroom can make it difficult to go to sleep. This will make sleep even more of a challenge. Check your thermostat and lower it down to about 65-70 degrees to make sleep more enticing. Use more than one blanket, and add them or remove them as needed to get comfortable.

Get into a regular sleep routine. When your body knows when you go to bed, how long you are there and when you get up, it will begin to abide by it. Alternatively, if you sleep at all times of the day, your insomnia is likely to worsen.

Insomnia can drive you mad. By reading this article, you have taken the first step to curing your insomnia! You should be sleeping well, and there are things you can do daily to help.

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Monday, December 9, 2013

Marijuana is Gaining Ground Legally

When the United States first began, there were no laws against marijuana. Then, in the 1900s, the government made it illegal through a great deal of propaganda. It became illegal and went underground.

In the 1960s, though still against the law, it began to make a comeback into mainstream society. The hippee generation used marijuana as a way object to the "man" and tune in to their own spiritual side.

Even after the hippies grew older, marijuana remained on the scene. Younger generations continued to try it and realized that much of the propaganda was untrue.

Some states began to decriminalize it, though it was still against the federal law. Other states just focused on other drugs, essentially ignoring marijuana altogether.

Then, people began discovering the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. It can help the cancer patient eat a bit more and reduces their pain. Others with chronic pain benefited from it also. Eventually, states began to pass laws that made the use of marijuana legal for medicinal purposes.

The use of medicinal marijuana is continuing to grow throughout the country. Many people believe that one day it will be entirely legal, even without a medical prescription.

In the meantime, people should be cautious about using the drug. It can be addicting and is still against federal law. If you believe it should be legalized in your state, speak with your vote, not by your illegal activity.

You will only increase the negative perception of the drug if you use it illegally. This will give more ground to those who believe it should remain outlawed in the country. Only time will tell how this legal battle will finally be played out in the courts of the states and federal government. Until then, make smart choices.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Is Outpatient Detox From Drugs and Alcohol Right For You?


 The time has come, and you have made the decision to take-back control of your life and stop using drugs and alcohol. The only thing is, you just aren't sure if you can do it by yourself. It has only been a few hours, and you are already feeling the withdrawals pulling you in different directions, you consider using drugs and alcohol just to make the withdrawals stop. Now you realize that you need help. You want to quit, but the withdrawals are just too painful.


Help is available to you in the form of a medical detox from the specific drugs or chemicals that you are addicted to. Drug and alcohol detox is a process that safely removes the last of the drugs and chemicals from your body, while also treating the withdrawals and side effects of quitting. This is a miracle to anyone who has been addicted and tried to quit "cold turkey." The process of detoxing is made much easier, and gives patients the strength to continue on with treatment and strive toward lifelong sobriety.


Outpatient detox is a great option for those individuals who are receiving counseling or drug addiction treatment that is not a residential rehab. It allows anyone to receive the much needed detox process, and make it work for your own particular schedule. It is safe, and is an option to those who may not be able to every quit using drugs and alcohol without the detox process to get you over the first severe withdrawals.

Call and Speak with a New Beginnings Addiction Counselor Today, and We Will Answer All of Your Questions and Address any Concerns.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do You Need Alcohol Abuse Treatment?

Often, the lines between social drinking and alcohol abuse are difficult for people to see. Many people enjoy having a drink or two when they go out and never develop a problem with it. However, there are people who can not function properly without alcohol. They need it to help them navigate social situations and to feel normal.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. People have had problems with alcohol addiction for thousands of years. If you realize that you have a problem, you are on the right track to getting help. You can learn to live without alcohol and have a happy and fulfilling life.

If you have difficulty going without a drink, you may want to check yourself into a detox center or an alcohol abuse treatment facility. Both places can help you work your way through the medical symptoms of withdrawal. It is important that this be addressed. You may experience shaking or convulsions when you try to quit. The professional at detox and treatment centers are best equip to assist you with those symptoms.

After you have went through the withdrawal process, you will need to work on your personal issues that kept you addicted to it. If you do not go to a long term treatment center for this, there are other alternatives. Most communities have support groups that will help people that are just quitting drinking. The members are people who have already begun to work through their addiction.

Alcohol abuse and addiction is not something to be taken lightly. If you are addicted to booze, you need to seek help immediately. Once you have begun the process, you will be able to start putting your life back together. You deserve to live a fulfilling life free from alcohol.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Why is Alcohol Abuse Rising in Teens?

Unfortunately, alcohol abuse is increasing today, including among teenagers. There are many reasons for this fact. The influences of adults and social media are just a couple of them. Teens today face tremendous pressure to be cool and mature in unhealthy ways. Many of them are subjected to a number of social ills, alcoholism being just one of them.

The instant information that is provided by social media gives today's teen many opportunities to see their favorite stars and the popular kids around them partying to excess. These glamorized events encourage them to look to alcohol to look good to their peers. Unfortunately, the media even shows the downside as appealing. This can be the rich and famous making repeated trips into rehabilitation centers or skirting the law by paying high level lawyers to get them out of DUI's and other alcohol related offenses.

Teens do not only have to look to popular images to see alcohol consumption on the rise. Many of them are exposed to alcoholism in their own families. When teens see the adults in their lives coping with problems through alcohol addiction, it gives them the impression that this behavior is a normal, acceptable way to handle problems.

When they see the news on the Internet or television, it is often filled with depressing stories about the economy, the environment and politics. Teens are bombarded with images about a world that appears to be losing hope. Instead of looking to a future with dreams of college and a good career, they see a world of despair.

All of these things make teens think that drinking to excess is a simple way to deal with life. Unfortunately, alcohol abuse does not solve their problems. In fact, this attitude only exacerbates the depression and abuse already accepted by society.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Requirement of Faith in Recovery

How the Bible can help with addiction

If you tell an addict they must have faith in order to recover, many would be deterred or feel a sense of defeat. Perhaps they believe they have no capacity for faith or think that because they have never had a relationship with God, they are disqualified from recovery. This is hardly the case.

There is an undeniable connection between faith and recovery from drug use. Even if you have no religious background or affiliation, you simply cannot get well without a small grain of faith. Even the simple, provisional belief that the Program can work and that you can be relieved of your addiction requires some level of faith. Does it not? You have tried to overcome your addiction on your own and you have failed. Now you must trust that something outside of yourself can save you and help you to find freedom from the bondage of addiction, even if that something is initially your recovery community and the Program. Faith in the God of the Bible may follow, but in order to get started you must simply be willing to acknowledge that your way has not worked, you are powerless over your addiction, and that something outside of yourself can save you. What do you have to lose?

Anyone Can Recover

Anyone can be an addict and anyone can recover. From white collars and cocaine addiction to blue collars swilling cheap vodka, the problem is the same, and thus, the solution is the same. Age, ethnic background, religion or lack thereof, education and socioeconomic status are not determinants of your success in recovery. Instead, what are required are complete and total honesty, a desire to recover and a belief, no matter how small, that God can restore you to sanity and help you to live in sobriety.

Hope Found in Scripture

Many addicts entering recovery have little knowledge of the Bible and even less interest in it. Perhaps they suffered as children at the hands of the Church. Perhaps they witnessed parishioners professing faith and then living in blatant and hurtful sin. Others simply see the Bible as outdated and irrelevant.

But as recovering addicts experience the miracle of sobriety and begin working through their history of resentments, many start to take a new look at God. They cannot deny the evidences of His love and grace in their own lives. Though they have done nothing to deserve it, God has blessed them with sobriety, a fellowship and the opportunity to know Him. They have been given new life. This marvel motivates many in recovery to want to know God better.

As they come to know God, many addicts begin to wonder how the Bible can help with addiction. Does Scripture speak into this struggle? Does the Bible have a relevant message of hope for addicts today?

The answer a resounding yes to both questions. The pages of Scripture are God’s revelation of Himself to His people. In the Bible He gives hope, He demonstrates His love through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ for sinners, and He teaches His people how to live in a difficult and fallen world. This is the message of hope and comfort an addict needs to hear.

Monday, September 30, 2013

How the Social Media Encourages Alcoholism

While alcoholism has been around since fermentation was discovered, it is being encouraged today like never before. Social media has given people the opportunity to share every thought and behavior at rates previously unseen. Unfortunately, this includes some very negative behaviors, including excessive consumption of alcohol. This means that everyone needs to be vigilant about how they spend their time surfing the web.

In the past hundred years, stars have often become alcoholics and glamorized the lifestyle of drinking and partying. Today, many of them send out "tweets" on Twitter talking about their favorite alcoholic beverages or making jokes about getting drunk. The paparazzi gets pictures of the rich and famous leaving bars and parties and, within minutes, these photos are often spread all over the Internet, making these poor choices appear "cool."

Additionally, people get extra pressure from their friends and classmates to drink to excess. Parties are promoted through facebook, Youtube and Twitter. Homemade videos show the popular people at universities partying their way through school, oblivious to the fact that others find this behavior inviting because they seek the same popularity.

Social media also encourages alcoholism by people sharing tasty recipes for all kinds of alcohols. When people see these "pinned" or "shared," they think that creating these drinks will make their party successful. Others may simply justify their drinking because they are creating pretty drinks and do not associate the behavior with less savory images of alcoholism.

It does not really matter which form of social media or who is behind it. The bottom line is that alcoholism is a serious problem. When people spend time on their favorite social media sites and see things that encourage drinking to excess, it influences their perception of consumption. For those with a predisposition to alcoholism, this can have a detrimental effect on their lives.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Recognizing Three Early Signs Of Alcoholism

Moderate consumption of alcohol is typically not a cause for concern. In fact, a very moderate amount of certain types of alcohol, like red wine, offers a few health benefits. When an individual begins to show signs of dependence on alcohol to relieve stress or to cope with a difficult situation, it is important to recognize what specific tendencies indicate that there may be a problem. It is important to get treatment as early as possible. This helps reduce the amount of damage that regular, repeated use of alcohol can cause on a person’s health. Here are three early signs of alcoholism:

1.     Using Alcohol On A Daily Basis

A person who consumes alcohol every day or several times a day needs to monitor their drinking carefully. Drinking one or two drinks per day does not necessarily indicate a drinking problem, and a person does not need to be getting completely drunk every day to have a drinking problem. If the amount of alcohol consumed daily increases steadily, it indicates that a physical dependence on the substance is forming.

2.    Downplaying Drinking Habits

If a person begins to hide their drinking from family and friends, it is an indication that on some level they are aware that their drinking is becoming a problem. If they become defensive about how much they drink when asked about it, it is almost certainly a sign that a person is beginning to struggle with alcohol.

3.    Experiencing Discomfort When Without Alcohol

A dependence on alcohol means that there are withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea and anxiety to contend with when drinking stops. Most people experience these after an incident of heavy drinking as hangovers. For those who have an alcohol problem, hangovers are only part of the problem. If they find they must carry a flask with them it means they are trying to avoid having to do without it. If they are in an environment where drinking is not allowed, they may become irritable. This is a sign that they need to get help as soon as possible.

Alcoholism affects more than just the alcoholic. Alcoholism affects entire families. The sooner a problem can be recognized and treated, the better it is for everyone. Early treatment of alcohol addiction means less suffering and less health, financial and emotional problems down the road.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Perpetual Disaster Of Drinking To Alleviate Depression

Sure, it's easy to reach for a drink to boost your mood. A few glasses or bottles later and your depression is cured! Isn't that cause for celebration? Certainly something to toast another drink to, right? Yet in the morning, what's different about your life? How has it changed at all, much less for the better? Using alcohol to negotiate depression is futile and it will keep you in a tailspin indefinitely.

Stop The Cycle

Drinking to get over depression never stops unless the consumption of alcohol is halted. Each day is just as painful and discouraging as the last, only with another episode of drinking added to it. Every time you reach for another drink, you inadvertently give yourself more reasons to be unhappy, thereby perpetuating the relationship between your alcohol and depression. It's truly a sad cycle to be caught in and the only way out is by resisting the temptation to keep drinking.

Look Inward

You may have legitimate cause to be depressed, such as trauma or loss in your life. You may also have a chemical or genetic condition that leads to frequently bouts with the blues. Quite often, a person's depression was temporary and alcohol became a permanent solution. Whatever the circumstances that led you to the cycle of drinking to solve your problems were, reexamine them and look for some other way to resolution.

Reach Outward

Nearly all people who learn to lean on alcohol need help getting away from it. People use alcohol to fill a void, numb the pain or to otherwise offset some negative in life and breaking from that is incredibly challenging. Look for local help in your area. People you can call upon anytime and groups you can visit on a regular basis. Without that network, breaking the dependency cycle may be near impossible. With help though, from people who have been where you are now, you've got a good chance to recover yourself emotionally and put your life back together. While sobriety may seem like a scary place, it is higher ground that can truly lift you up.

There's really no such thing as drinking to treat depression, because alcohol contributes to depression or in some cases, it's the absolute cause of it. If you are depressed, stop drinking and give yourself a real chance at getting over depression. Stop the cycle, look inward and then reach outward to a whole new world. One where you are welcomed and strengthened, and one where you can be truly happy.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Treatments For Methylphenidate Addiction

Methylphenidate is a stimulant drug prescribed to treat hyperactivity problems in children and can be quite essential if used properly. However, regardless of whether bought as an over counter drug or prescribed by a doctor, the users may be at risk of various health problems. This drug contains vitamin R, which is quite addictive in addition to the R-ball that can cause various side effects if taken. There are numerous treatments for methylphenidate addicts.

Personalized counseling is an essential methylphenidate addiction treatment where the addicts share their conditions with their private counselors.  The addicts usually see their counselors on daily basis who guide them on what to do to refrain from drug intake. The MPH addicts may also work on their own by avoid situations that can tempt them to involve themselves into using such products. This treatment is ideal in that it helps addicts to refrain from taking such drugs.

Depending on your addiction severity, you may be prescribed to an inpatient or outpatient treatment program. Through the inpatient treatment program, you may have to stay for a certain period in the treatment centers to ensure you are fully attended by your doctor to help refrain from substance abuse. The outpatient treatment programs are also essential treatment programs designed to help addicts to be meeting counselors on daily basis.  Before leaving the methylphenidate addiction treatment centers, the physicians usually help the addicts to set certain policies that will help them refrain from going back to the substance abuse.

Although the intake of methylphenidate is usually quite essential, numerous health effects can accompany long-term usage of the substance abuse. These drugs usually pose numerous side effects some of which are insomnia, fatigue, nightmares, increase in appetite, depressions and disruptions. The above treatments for methylphenidate addictions are quite essential to help you achieve your dream of refraining from the intake of methylphenidate.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let Music Heal Your Soul

"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
-Aldous Huxley

Music has been called "The Greatest Gift Given To Mankind" numerous times throughout history, but why is music the greatest gift? Why not life, medicine, or happiness?

The answer is quite simple, music is life, music is medicine, and music is happiness. Music encompasses every emotion, feeling, and thoughts in our lives. It is ethereal, and immortal, yet can be used as a sort of medicine, since it is so deeply-intertwined with our lives.

Music has the ability to cure your every qualm, sate your every thirst, and mend your every wound.

See the unique ways that music therapy is helping those struggling with addiction:
Arizona Music Therapy for the treatment of addiction

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rehab Treatment For Ecstasy Addiction

Ecstasy Statistics indicated that around 3 million Americans around 12 years or older had abused ecstasy in the year 2009. With this alarming statistics, there is need for public awareness of this drug to reduce the number of people abusing the drug. The hardest step towards beginning treatment is having the addict accept that they have an addiction problem and that they need help. 

The effects of ecstasy abuse include confusion, depression and severe anxiety. As a person continues abusing the drug, they will experience severe effects like high blood pressure, muscle tension, blurred vision, high heart rate and chills. It is therefore essential for a person to seek treatment as soon as possible as continued use of the drug may finally lead to death especially for those who have heart problems.

Registering at a rehabilitation clinic is very important if an addict wants to recover. Trying to beat the addiction alone may be very hard hence, you need the help of professional medical practitioners to assist you. There are no specific drug treatments for people who may be addicted to ecstasy. Immediately a person goes to a rehab clinic, they undergo detoxification that removes all traces of the drug in the system.

After detoxification, the addicts begin cognitive-behavioral therapy. This therapy is usually important in helping the addicts manage psychological effects of ecstasy after detoxification. Addicts also attend individual and group counseling sessions where the aim of the counselor is to determine the root cause of the addiction after which, they can address this problem. 

There is no kind of addiction that a person cannot be able to overcome; it only needs the zeal to get better. At a rehabilitation clinic an addict gets to interact with other addicts and they can develop a support mechanism where they can assist each other to get better. Once a person recovers, they need to be very careful about their friends and surroundings as they can relapse very easily.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Understanding The Staggering Alcohol Abuse Statistics

While history shows that people have been consuming alcohol in various forms for thousands of years, there is often little talk about how to care for and treat people who become addicted to it. Even though there are a number of incredible programs today to help treat alcohol abuse, this is still an addiction that is often kept quiet by many families. Once you take a look at the statistics on alcohol addiction, you are going to see why there is such a need for an open conversation about this and all other forms of addiction.

When taking a look at some of the statistics related to alcohol abuse, it has actually been shown that one in every 13 adults are impacted on some level. To dive even further into some of the statistics, there are roughly 12 million or more adults who are addicted to alcohol and battling the effects on a daily basis just in the United States alone. When you factor in all of the people who lose their lives each and every year from alcohol and drug abuse, it is easy to see why there is such a need to get anyone addicted into quality alcohol abuse treatment programs.

It goes without saying that if you or a loved one seems to be developing an addiction to alcohol that it is very important that you start to look into options for treatment. Symptoms may include regular loss of control when consuming alcoholic beverages, overactive emotions, missing of work or school and even an increase in irritability. If you ever notice these signs, it is time for you or your loved one to get the help that you need to get your addiction to alcohol under control. With the right treatment program, you or your loved one can begin enjoying a sober life once again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Men's Rehab Center in Laguna Beach, CA

Addiction is a very difficult affliction that leads to a laundry list of ills. Everything from your relationships to your finances is put in jeopardy through the continued abuse of drugs and alcohol. The only way to save your life from being destroyed by substance abuse, is to seek help from professional addiction treatment counselers.

Laguna Beach Recovery Centers in Laguna Beach, California is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their personal addictions and return to a happy, healthy, and sober lifestyle.

Visit Laguna Beach today and get the best treatment available:

Laguna Beach Recovery
1755 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach , Ca 92651
(888) 632-7135
laguna beach rehab

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Using LSD Can Lead to Drug Addiction

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is the full name for LSD known on the street as Acid. It is a hallucinogen and can cause a variety of physical reactions. Including but, not limited to dilated pupils, increased pulse rate, rise in blood pressure, gnawing sensation in the mouth, paranoia, hysteria.

While many people think this drug is not addictive its use can certainly lead to involvement with drugs that are proven to be addictive. And while there may not be a physical response of dependency many do become mentally or emotionally addicted.

So how can a person fight the downward spiral of drug addiction? There is help available in the medical community today. You can do research on the internet to see the various options available. Yes there are outpatient clinics. But, initially it is often advisable to find an inpatient program.

We have all seen famous people go through the revolving door rehab treatment or lack of rehabilitation treatment. This happens for various reasons, chief among them is a lack of commitment on the part of the addict. The other is that they need to be separated from the environment that contributes to their addiction.

This is where inpatient rehab treatment is so important. The medical personnel can help to manage the withdrawal symptoms. With those symptoms under control the patient can better focus on their recovery.

The support of expert psychologists and counselors will guide them through the proces of recovering their life. They can help to relearn the coping skills that may have been lost to the drugs. You see when relying on LSD to as a guide through life  they are relying on an unreality.

Now it is time to come back to reality. So seeking professional help is necessary for recovery.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Luxury Rehab for Lasting Sobriety

Laguna Beach Men Only Recovery Center

Luxury rehab facilities and programs are designed with a very special approach to lasting sobriety. Many people have a misconception about luxury rehabs, that they are for the rich and the elite only. This could not be farther from the truth.

The truth about luxury rehabs, is that the luxuries and comforts are not in-place to support those who live that type of lifestyle anyway, it is to offer the luxuries and comforts to those that have never experienced such extravagances.

The lifestyle of an addict is the exact opposite of the lifestyle lived in a luxury rehab. When an addict goes from using drugs in the streets, not having a place to shower or sleep, and often having to steal the basic necessities to survive, to a luxury facility where everything is provided, the addict begins to associate sobriety with comfort and luxury. Soon, the addict becomes accustomed to the lifestyle, which gives a recovering addict extra incentive for staying sober.

In-turn, patients that achieve sobriety in a luxury rehab setting tend to keep their sobriety long-term, and go on to lead successful family and business lives as well.

Luxury rehabs are affordable and offer insurance and finance options. Find out if luxury rehab and recovery is the perfect fit for yourself or a loved one that is struggling with addiction:

luxury drug rehab

Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Adverse Affects Of Opioid Abuse

Opioids and their derivatives are psychoactive drugs that bind to opioid receptors in the brain. In the medical community opioids are used for pain control, and they are the most potent analgesics available. There are many types of opioids but the prototypical opioid used for pain management is morphine.

The most commonly abused type of opioid is heroin. Heroin is a derivative of morphine, it is diacetylmorphine. Morphine is acetylated in laboratories to produce Heroin. It is used in the medical community to control pain. It is used quite extensively in the U.K. for  this purpose. There are numerous recreational users of heroin. They use it for the intense euphoria and relaxation it produces.

Heroin has many recreational users due to the feelings of euphoria and relaxation it produces. However, tolerance to the drug develops rapidly. This requires users to use larger and larger doses to achieve the same effects. People use heroin rather than morphine because of the intensity of its effects and the very intense rush that users experience.

There is a real possibility of death related to an accidental overdose of heroin. Since heroin is not legal and it can be mixed with other ingredients prior to getting into the hands of a user, users are never sure of the potency of the heroin they are taking.  Heroin is frequently cut with starch,sugar, quinine, and at times even with poisons such as strychnine. Since the potency of the heroin being used is not known, there is a strong possibility that an overdose or death will occur.

Habitual heroin users will often share needles and other paraphernalia with other users. This practice often leads them to contract diseases such as hepatitis C and HIV. It is estimated that three quarters of new Hepatitis C infections in the United States are the result of street drugs that are injected.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Entering Treatment to Cut Drugs out of Your Life

Entering treatment, it seems like you’re going to be abandoning everything you know and all the comforts you hold dear. You’ve come to terms with wanting to give up your addiction but you’re understandably worried about those two words -- “Inpatient Recovery” -- and what those mean if you enter into treatment at a residential facility. The movies you’ve seen, books you’ve read and all the people you have talked to have all imparted a little to your concept of a residential stay. You think you have a good idea of what a stay is like and you’re still a little anxious.
The idea of leaving everything behind while you leave to sort out your addiction can be a nerve racking the addicted person does not need to be at all anxious about residing in a residential treatment program. Under the watchful eye of the medical staff, you or your loved one, will be comfortably detoxed and monitored for their comfort and health. Every step has been made to make sure that the stay is as enjoyable as possible.

While at the facility, friendships will be made, stories shared and healing will take place. Rehabilitation takes a much larger approach to dealing with addictions than a strict, clinical tone. Gone are the days of people being confined to a building for thirty or ninety days, only seeing the outside through a window. The experience of treatment is a much more positive, and even fun, event than it once was.

With this in mind, luxury rehab facilities have been opened with the thought of keeping people comfortable and engaged in activities during a patient’s stay. Team sports, hiking and other outdoor activities are a welcome addition to any treatment program. The character of a stay at a facility that is more accommodating to patients, which actively engages the residents in activities outside of the facility recreationally, will be far less clinical and cold than the old style of detox and rehab.

After first making the decision to seek help with their addiction, the next step is in finding a place to seek that help. There are many choices in styles of rehabilitation and many different places to go for your rehabilitation. The key to success is to make the right choice and to make the comfortable choice. Be sure to consider the type of approach to treating addiction, and the philosophy behind it. Lastly, location is a point many people do not consider when choosing a treatment facility.