Moderate consumption of alcohol is typically not a cause for concern. In fact, a very moderate amount of certain types of alcohol, like red wine, offers a few health benefits. When an individual begins to show signs of dependence on alcohol to relieve stress or to cope with a difficult situation, it is important to recognize what specific tendencies indicate that there may be a problem. It is important to get treatment as early as possible. This helps reduce the amount of damage that regular, repeated use of alcohol can cause on a person’s health. Here are three early signs of alcoholism:
1. Using Alcohol On A Daily Basis
A person who consumes alcohol every day or several times a day needs to monitor their drinking carefully. Drinking one or two drinks per day does not necessarily indicate a drinking problem, and a person does not need to be getting completely drunk every day to have a drinking problem. If the amount of alcohol consumed daily increases steadily, it indicates that a physical dependence on the substance is forming.
2. Downplaying Drinking Habits
If a person begins to hide their drinking from family and friends, it is an indication that on some level they are aware that their drinking is becoming a problem. If they become defensive about how much they drink when asked about it, it is almost certainly a sign that a person is beginning to struggle with alcohol.
3. Experiencing Discomfort When Without Alcohol
A dependence on alcohol means that there are withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea and anxiety to contend with when drinking stops. Most people experience these after an incident of heavy drinking as hangovers. For those who have an alcohol problem, hangovers are only part of the problem. If they find they must carry a flask with them it means they are trying to avoid having to do without it. If they are in an environment where drinking is not allowed, they may become irritable. This is a sign that they need to get help as soon as possible.
Alcoholism affects more than just the alcoholic. Alcoholism affects entire families. The sooner a problem can be recognized and treated, the better it is for everyone. Early treatment of alcohol addiction means less suffering and less health, financial and emotional problems down the road.
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