However, this is simply not the case. When a person is under the influence of mushrooms, they experience a distorted sense of reality which includes visual and auditory hallucinations. This can cause a person to behave in an irrational manner. Every year, people hurt themselves and others because of misconception about what is going on.
Another potential hazard of using mushrooms is their origins. While generally found in pastures, growing from cow manure, this does not guarantee that the fungi is the right one. There are many different types of mushrooms, some deceptively similar in appearance. However, many species are fatal when consumed by humans. All it takes is one wrong mushroom in the batch to make everyone seriously ill or worse.
When a person who is addicted to mushrooms is not high, they may find life boring. Often addicts complain that there is nothing to do without their drug of choice. For those accustomed to an altered perception, this can be incredibly difficult to cope with. Fortunately, treatment centers have the tools to help addicts through this difficult process. From detoxifying to planning how to live free from drugs, rehabilitation centers are there to help addicts turn their lives around.
If you or someone you know is on hallucinogens, there is hope. Contact a treatment center to find out how they can help you with drug abuse alternatives. You will be grateful that you made the first step in changing and creating a whole new life.
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