I remember reading a story about these drugs when I was in school and I was horrified. The main character ended up in a mental state where he could not understand whether he was a person or a glass of orange juice. This may seem funny when you say it aloud, but it is terrible that a drug can mess your mind up that badly.
In the past I have had several friends tell me about going to clubs and trying this kind of drug with their friends. I do not mean to be a stick in the mud, but I cannot say that I would consider anyone a friend who would offer me the chance to turn my brain into a bowl of oatmeal.
Honestly, what is it about the drug that has so many people entranced? I am guessing that most of it is the fact that you get a chance to escape from your reality for a moment. There are many other channels you can explore that do not involve putting your life in danger. Doing hallucinogens is like paying for parts of your brain to cease functioning as it should.
There are many things that people can do that would be considered unwise, and taking hallucinogens is at the top of that list. Do not allow yourself to mistake ruining your life for having a good time. Even if the feeling is wondrous in the beginning, a day will come when you will look back and have plenty of regrets.
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