Thursday, July 3, 2014

Why Ketamine Can Lead To Substance Abuse


There are many drugs on the market which are capable of altering a person's perceptions. One drug in particular, ketamine, is used by many people recreationally today. It has an effect that lasts for about an hour, and is commonly called the date rape drug. After taking the drug, within minutes, a person may fall unconscious. It can be taken as a pill, or it may be smoked as well. If you are able to give injections, in less than a minute, you will experience the full effects. Also known as special K, K, and Vitamin K, it is a popular drug that may produce hallucinations. Let's look at how you can get treatment for this particular drug that can become very addicting.

Special K - The Date Rape Drug

At many universities, as well as other locations around the world, ketamine is used by unscrupulous individuals to have their way with individuals, sometimes in a sexual way. The person that takes the drug may feel very relaxed, almost like having a buzz similar to drinking alcohol, shortly before they actually pass out. When taken in smaller doses, it can create hallucinations or out of body effects, giving the user the feeling as if they are floating outside of themselves. It is also used for practical reasons by veterinarians that are providing an aesthetic for animals that are going to have an operation or treatment. This can become very addicting, which is why many people seek addiction help.

Avoiding Addiction To Ketamine

If you are taking this drug recreationally in order to get the high which may accompany out of body experiences and hallucinations, depending upon the amount of the drug that you take on a regular basis, you may develop an addiction to the sensations that you experience. You can find facilities in your area that will be able to help you with this problem, allowing you to find a way to not crave ketamine anymore. It really comes down to a personal choice, and having the support necessary to make yourself functional without using this very popular social drug.

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