Friday, October 3, 2014

Recognizing An Addiction To Sleeping Pills

There are now so many sleeping pills available on the market, and they are very easily obtained. This has led to to many people becoming addicted to sleeping pills, in all their various combinations (Benzodiazepines, Ativan, Valium, Xanax).

There are times when people become dependent without realizing, as they take them over the course of a few months. There are people who follow the prescription given by their doctor, but still develop a dependency (which can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms).

If you have tried a number of tranquilizers, you will know the powerful effects on your sleep, but will also know that you find the stress of life more easy to handle. These are the side effects which can become addictive to people who are not able to recognize the mood changes that have taken place (and link the two different experiences to the sleeping pills). This can occur even if the sleeping pills are not abused. Unfortunately, many people do not realize that this form of medication is addictive.

It should be made clear that when coming off tranquilizers, it should be done in a controlled, staggered way. Suddenly stopping can have severe side effects such as strokes, seizures or hallucinations. The long terms effects are not fully known, but can take up to one year for the person to recover from the side effects of the drug.

If you have found that you now take more sleeping pills than you used to, or that you reach for them if there is something stressful occurring in your life, then you should seek professional advice. These types of drugs, like other addictive substances, can lead to depression if they are taken over the long term. Understand the addictive symptoms and take action to protect yourself.

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