Friday, February 27, 2015

What Is Ketamine and How Is It Abused?

Ketamine is a drug that's only legal if prescribed by a doctor. It's main use is to treat pain and it's often used when someone has an allergy to other types of anesthetics. Many people have taken to abusing ketamine due to its hallucinogenic properties.

On the street ketamine goes by many names including: Special K, and Vitamin K. It's popular like many other prescription drugs, because it's easier to get a hold of than other illegal recreational drugs. Like many other drugs and alcohol, an abuser will often need a higher and higher dosage to reach the same level of euphoria they initially had.

Although ketamine is a useful drug when used under the care of a doctor, it's used recreationally for the bizarre dreams and hallucinations it's known to cause. There are many side effects from ketamine and abusers can wind up in the hospital.

Although ketamine overdoes rarely cause death, there is no treatment other than to come down from the high under medical supervision. However, like many other prescription pain medications it can make the user dependent. This is where the abuse part comes in, as an abuser will try to find the drug through channels other than their doctor.

Abuse of ketamine is not as difficult to treat as other addictions. An abuser would likely need to enter a rehabilitation center to overcome their addiction under medical supervision. As long as there are no underlying mental health issues for the abuse, recovery time is usually quick.

Without proper medical supervision, ketamine can cause harm to the abuser as well as those around them due to the drug's hallucinogenic properties. It's not as dangerous as some other drugs, but an addiction problem should be addressed right away. With proper rehabilitation most abusers are able to overcome their addiction.

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