There are people out there that can't seem to get over an addiction to PCP no matter what they try. This is something you may be struggling with, but know that there is hope. Here you'll get an idea of what to do to get off of this so you can live a normal life again.
Before you try to get off of PCP, you have to be prepared for it. You need to know about what it can do to you and how it can make you have terrible health mentally and physically. This is something you need to do some research on so that you can see that it's not a good thing to be on all the time. A lot of people end up in jail or dead because of the way they act on this stuff, so make sure you're able to quit soon.
When you start to get back to normal as you come down, you're going to have to start dealing with the problems that made you use PCP all the time. It's really hard to deal with these kinds of things, but in the end it's better to take them on now than to let them just eat away at you later. It's a hard drug to stay away from if you're used to it, but it's better for you overall. Get into treatment if you have any troubles and they can instruct you on how to rebuild your life.
Try your best to get off of PCP before it ruins the life that you're living. It's going to be a little difficult if you're used to using it, but it can be something you can take care of. Just work with the addiction and you'll be fine.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
How to Deal With Addiction Withdrawal Symptoms

Going through withdrawal is not just a matter of quitting and overcoming cravings, like someone on a diet who craves sweets and junk food. People with substance abuse/addiction situations are not just mentally addicted, they are physically addicted and their body needs the drug or alcohol just to feel normal.
Seeking professional medical help or going into a supervised detox program is usually recommended because they are equipped to deal with the painful symptoms of withdrawal. Aside from being quite uncomfortable, quitting some addictive substance cold turkey with no medical advice can be deadly because the addict may have a seizure or other complication. Alcoholics are especially known for having seizures after quitting along with DTs ( short for Delerium Tremens) which is a state where the alcoholic doesn't drink and ends up delirious, shaking and hallucinating.
An addiction specialist doctor and detox/rehab programs can help ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal feels like the worst cares of flu ever. The addict may have body aches, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, shaking and may hurt all over. An addiction doctor can prescribe some meds to help alleviate those symptoms and ensure that you are safe during withdrawal. The addict will be under experienced medical professionals who know how to deal with withdrawal and can assure the addict that their symptoms of withdrawal are normal and can be eased with medication.
So if you or someone you know, needs help to quit drinking or to get off of a drug, it is always best to seek professional help. This will help ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, give the addict a great chance of success and help them develop the coping skills that they will need to reclaim their lives.
Addiction Treatment is Made Easier with Detox and Withdrawal Therapy!
Abuse of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide

When using LSD, commonly called acid or blotter, people will hallucinate. These hallucinations may be visual or auditory. When large amounts are consumed on a regular basis, it can lead to confused thinking, even when the person has not recently dropped, or consumed, any acid. This can cause illogical and even dangerous behaviors.
If you use acid regularly, you may wish to enter a substance abuse treatment center. They can help you to learn better coping strategies for your life. You may wish to enlist the help of a friend or family member to find a center in your area that can help you.
Whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient treatment center, you will have an opportunity to discuss your issues with a professional counselor. That person may recommend that you attend group meetings at the center also. By talking to others with substance abuse problems, you will learn that you are not alone. One of the most difficult things for many addicts is feeling separated from society.
In addition, many programs will suggest that you utilize community resources such as twelve step programs. In these meetings, you will find an even greater source of support. It is encouraged that members find a sponsor, someone to call when you are tempted to use drugs.
Though it may have seemed like fun at first to trip, or have hallucinations, the long term effects are not worth it. If you are caught up in using LSD, get help for your addiction by finding a treatment center today.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
An Introduction To The Drug Ketamine

Firstly, those who choose to abuse Ketamine (also known as K, Special K and Vitamin K) experience a wide variety of emotions ranging from the feeling of flying to having an 'out of body' experience. This is why Ketamine is referred to as a club drug and hallucinogen.
The greatest difference between Ketamine and other addictive drugs on the street is that Ketamine does not present with the usual physical symptoms of addiction. However, this does not mean it is any less dangerous as it has an ability to alter an individual's cognitive abilities which contributes to a desire for more Ketamine.
Some of the common side-effects to Ketamine can include nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure, insomnia, breathing difficulties, heart arrhythmia, double vision, severe anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations and psychosis. These symptoms have been known to worsen and become deadly when Ketamine is used in conjunction with substances such as marijuana and alcohol.
Reading the above effects of Ketamine, it can be seen that this drug is highly detrimental to one's health. However, people who choose to overcome Ketamine abuse will experience severe cognitive and psychological withdrawal symptoms making the risk of relapse high. If an individual chooses to continue abusing Ketamine for a prolonged period, they have a chance of experiencing long-term psychosis, paranoia and cognitive difficulties. This makes it more difficult to make informed decisions with regards to their health and behavior.
If you know someone who is suffering from a Ketamine addiction it is imperative they seek out professional help. The most suitable treatment program offered will depend on different factors including age, gender, severity and length of their problem. However, the treatment is important and it can be conducted as an outpatient, residential or hospitalization.
Recent statistics indicate that there has been a rise in Ketamine abuse among teenagers. While this is highly upsetting and concerning, there are means of reversing the trend and preventing future abuse including drug abuse education. Furthermore, making sure anyone using this drug receives support will help eliminate the threat and reduce danger of abuse.
My Addiction Story: From Cocaine to Heroin Overdose and Death

By Marie R.
Many recovering drug abusers tell of years of partying, drinking, drugging, and debauchery. My story takes place over the span of a month. In that time span, I went from never doing any drugs or even drinking much, to laying in the emergency room with no pulse...

A few days later, I was wanting to feel that feeling of a "buzz" again, so I went to my friend's house. They didn't have any beer, but they did have a marijuana pipe, to which I declined. My friends told me that marijuana was safer than alcohol, and would give me the buzz without the sickness, so I eventually agreed. What I was to learn later, was that this was not marijuana that we were smoking, but some synthetic drug made to mimic marijuana. We smoked all night long, woke up the next morning and continued to get high the rest of the next day.

Then one night came, when we were all smoking this synthetic weed, and someone brought out cocaine. I should have known not to even try the hard stuff, but it was too late. I was high and confident, and wanted to keep getting higher... we did cocaine on and off for two days.
This is the way is stayed for the next several weeks, we had graduated to smoking the cocaine (I did not know at the time that smoke-able cocaine is just Crack-Cocaine). What I also didn't know is that not everyone smoking was just into cocaine. Within a day, the crack was gone, and people began smoking something else to get high... "Opium," the guy said, turned out to be heroin.

It only took around a month for me to go from a perfectly normal and sober person, to dying of a heroin overdose. The addiction itself took nearly a year's worth of hard work and perseverance to beat.
This is the scary thing about drugs... It is hard to believe that anyone would allow themselves to ruin their lives that much in such a short time, but I am here to tell you that from the mind of an addict, it can take but a split second.
If You Have a Story Similar to Marie's and Need Help With Your Addictions Before It's Too Late, Contact Summit Behavioral Health For Trusted Addiction Recovery Planning:
Summit Behavioral Health
4065 Quakerbridge Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Office: 609-651-4001
Toll-Free: 855-855-9199
4065 Quakerbridge Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Office: 609-651-4001
Toll-Free: 855-855-9199
Thursday, April 3, 2014
The Dangers Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse
Dealing with the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse can be very troubling for a persons health, alcohol can cause damage to the liver, and drugs can affect your mind. According to most alcohol abuse statistics, people that are long term drinkers can suffer the most damage. Alcohol and drug abuse is something that affects millions of people, many of which need to get help. Alcohol abuse treatment, as well as drug abuse treatment, is necessary for many people to get back on track. Here are a few tips on how to properly deal with the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction, and how you can get yourself on a better track for life.
Drug And Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
If at all possible, take some time to assess your life, especially before you started drinking and using drugs. Were you better off before, or is your life better off now? For most people, their addiction to these substances can cause their life to spiral out of control. They may not understand what is happening until a close friend, relative or their spouse has simply had enough. They could lose everything, including their house, home and job. That's why it's important to get checked into a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center if these substances are controlling your life.
Make The Right Choice Today
The best thing to do is, after assessing your life, find a rehabilitation center in your area. They will welcome you in, tell you how they can help you, and if you stick with the program, your life can be changed. Drug and alcohol addiction is something that people face every day, and with the right help, they can break their addiction to these detrimental substances, and start rebuilding their life for the better.
Drug And Alcohol Abuse Treatment Centers
If at all possible, take some time to assess your life, especially before you started drinking and using drugs. Were you better off before, or is your life better off now? For most people, their addiction to these substances can cause their life to spiral out of control. They may not understand what is happening until a close friend, relative or their spouse has simply had enough. They could lose everything, including their house, home and job. That's why it's important to get checked into a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center if these substances are controlling your life.
Make The Right Choice Today
The best thing to do is, after assessing your life, find a rehabilitation center in your area. They will welcome you in, tell you how they can help you, and if you stick with the program, your life can be changed. Drug and alcohol addiction is something that people face every day, and with the right help, they can break their addiction to these detrimental substances, and start rebuilding their life for the better.
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