By Marie R.
Many recovering drug abusers tell of years of partying, drinking, drugging, and debauchery. My story takes place over the span of a month. In that time span, I went from never doing any drugs or even drinking much, to laying in the emergency room with no pulse...

A few days later, I was wanting to feel that feeling of a "buzz" again, so I went to my friend's house. They didn't have any beer, but they did have a marijuana pipe, to which I declined. My friends told me that marijuana was safer than alcohol, and would give me the buzz without the sickness, so I eventually agreed. What I was to learn later, was that this was not marijuana that we were smoking, but some synthetic drug made to mimic marijuana. We smoked all night long, woke up the next morning and continued to get high the rest of the next day.

Then one night came, when we were all smoking this synthetic weed, and someone brought out cocaine. I should have known not to even try the hard stuff, but it was too late. I was high and confident, and wanted to keep getting higher... we did cocaine on and off for two days.
This is the way is stayed for the next several weeks, we had graduated to smoking the cocaine (I did not know at the time that smoke-able cocaine is just Crack-Cocaine). What I also didn't know is that not everyone smoking was just into cocaine. Within a day, the crack was gone, and people began smoking something else to get high... "Opium," the guy said, turned out to be heroin.

It only took around a month for me to go from a perfectly normal and sober person, to dying of a heroin overdose. The addiction itself took nearly a year's worth of hard work and perseverance to beat.
This is the scary thing about drugs... It is hard to believe that anyone would allow themselves to ruin their lives that much in such a short time, but I am here to tell you that from the mind of an addict, it can take but a split second.
If You Have a Story Similar to Marie's and Need Help With Your Addictions Before It's Too Late, Contact Summit Behavioral Health For Trusted Addiction Recovery Planning:
Summit Behavioral Health
4065 Quakerbridge Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Office: 609-651-4001
Toll-Free: 855-855-9199
4065 Quakerbridge Road
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Office: 609-651-4001
Toll-Free: 855-855-9199
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