When using LSD, commonly called acid or blotter, people will hallucinate. These hallucinations may be visual or auditory. When large amounts are consumed on a regular basis, it can lead to confused thinking, even when the person has not recently dropped, or consumed, any acid. This can cause illogical and even dangerous behaviors.
If you use acid regularly, you may wish to enter a substance abuse treatment center. They can help you to learn better coping strategies for your life. You may wish to enlist the help of a friend or family member to find a center in your area that can help you.
Whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient treatment center, you will have an opportunity to discuss your issues with a professional counselor. That person may recommend that you attend group meetings at the center also. By talking to others with substance abuse problems, you will learn that you are not alone. One of the most difficult things for many addicts is feeling separated from society.
In addition, many programs will suggest that you utilize community resources such as twelve step programs. In these meetings, you will find an even greater source of support. It is encouraged that members find a sponsor, someone to call when you are tempted to use drugs.
Though it may have seemed like fun at first to trip, or have hallucinations, the long term effects are not worth it. If you are caught up in using LSD, get help for your addiction by finding a treatment center today.
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