Firstly, those who choose to abuse Ketamine (also known as K, Special K and Vitamin K) experience a wide variety of emotions ranging from the feeling of flying to having an 'out of body' experience. This is why Ketamine is referred to as a club drug and hallucinogen.
The greatest difference between Ketamine and other addictive drugs on the street is that Ketamine does not present with the usual physical symptoms of addiction. However, this does not mean it is any less dangerous as it has an ability to alter an individual's cognitive abilities which contributes to a desire for more Ketamine.
Some of the common side-effects to Ketamine can include nausea and vomiting, high blood pressure, insomnia, breathing difficulties, heart arrhythmia, double vision, severe anxiety, nightmares, hallucinations and psychosis. These symptoms have been known to worsen and become deadly when Ketamine is used in conjunction with substances such as marijuana and alcohol.
Reading the above effects of Ketamine, it can be seen that this drug is highly detrimental to one's health. However, people who choose to overcome Ketamine abuse will experience severe cognitive and psychological withdrawal symptoms making the risk of relapse high. If an individual chooses to continue abusing Ketamine for a prolonged period, they have a chance of experiencing long-term psychosis, paranoia and cognitive difficulties. This makes it more difficult to make informed decisions with regards to their health and behavior.
If you know someone who is suffering from a Ketamine addiction it is imperative they seek out professional help. The most suitable treatment program offered will depend on different factors including age, gender, severity and length of their problem. However, the treatment is important and it can be conducted as an outpatient, residential or hospitalization.
Recent statistics indicate that there has been a rise in Ketamine abuse among teenagers. While this is highly upsetting and concerning, there are means of reversing the trend and preventing future abuse including drug abuse education. Furthermore, making sure anyone using this drug receives support will help eliminate the threat and reduce danger of abuse.
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